Monthly Archives: May 2013

Talis live TONIGHT!

You’ll be able to listen via our UStream channel as usual. We gave Google Hangouts On Air a whirl, but it needs more testing time (and a bigger second monitor!). Expect the stream up around 6.30, and the concert around … Continue reading

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Streaming Talis – some technical changes

First up – we’re considering a change this time out, from UStream to Google Hangouts On Air. Watch this space for the URLs. The reasoning behind this is several-fold: it means we don’t get the stream interrupted by adverts. Second … Continue reading

Posted in concert, tech | 3 Comments

Talis Kimberley live at the Mill House

Should you be free on this Bank Holiday Sunday as ever is, that’s the 26th in (yes, yes) less than two weeks time, Talis and band will be performing live as ever is at the Mill House, and on streaming video here. … Continue reading

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